Welcome to this site. All images are in Low Resolution, and most of them are from Catalonia/Spain, but you can also see images of other countries. Photos from other countries are made from independent travels. This is not a "bird reports site", but you can contact if you want to know some useful information, I hope it helps.
The design of this site is by Juan Luis Abelló.
Photos are not in taxonomic order, are from the most recent entry to the oldest. You can find a particular species using the search bar (better a word in English or scientific name, due to constant changes in nomenclature).
We appreciate the collaboration of various naturalists who have contributed to the identification of the various species or taxons that are on this site: Jordi Artola, Xavier Béjar, Albert Burgas, Rafael Carbonell, Beth Cobo, José Luis Copete, Martí Franch, Miguel Ángel Fuentes, Ricard Gutiérrez, Oriol Hidalgo, Marcel Gil, Trevor Hardaker, Mike Lockwood, Jordi Martí, Jordi Nebot, Miguel Ángel Pérez de Gregorio, Xavier Oliver, Àlex Ollé, Guillermo Rodríguez and Arend Wassink.
Copyright notice
All images displayed on this site of Fran Trabalon are Copyright Protected.
Any unauthorized reproduction of images displayed in this site in any form is strictly forbidden.
To perform his authorization please contact Fran Trabalon.